PeopleBrowsr Blog

How a product/brand manager uses PeopleBrowsr

Written by PeopleBrowsr | Jan 15, 2009 12:18:00 PM

My name is Priscilla, I'm PeopleBrowsr product manager;

I'm interested in PB users' experience, ideas, suggestions, feedback and more.
I use PeopleBrowsr as a meta-tool, to monitor the PeopleBrowsr community and buzz.

Here is what I do:

Checking the buzz
I keep PeopleBrowsr running on my MacBook all day. I use it for work and for fun, mostly in Stream view.

First, I open two Stacks:

  • 'Twitter/Everyone'
  • 'FriendFeed/Everyone'
And search in both for PeopleBrows* : I use the star search operator to find all the possible spellings of PeopleBrowsr - with/without 'e' and so on.

In two other Twitter and FriendFeed Stacks, I search for "People Browsr", because some people spell it as two separate words.

This way I find all the messages posted on Twitter and FriendFeed mentioning the site.

There is usually a lot of tweeting about PeopleBrowsr, so I use the '20 More' button on the bottom of each Stack's stream, to get more posts.

Talking to the users

I open the post Stack of my 'XReplies' to have a view of all the comments that PB users address to me about the service and I reply to the questions inline.

I click on people's usernames to open their PBID, understand who they are, glance at their stream and profile, read their blogs and web pages (from the PBID 'More' tab).
When I want to see more, I expand their PBID to full page view.
I also open My 'Sent' messages, to keep a record of what I replied already.

Grouping Users

To organize users in groups, I tag people as PBFans or PBFeatures, if they like the site or are asking for new features.
I share the PBFeatures Group with the team developers, to give them an overview of the requested features.
I share the PBFans Group with our other community managers to monitor users engaged in the service and spot cool insights that they tweet about PB.

Communicating with the team

I use the Groups Profile feature in the Group's PBID popup to share comments about groups - I often do this, to pass information to the other community managers. Eg: the group 'PBFans' has this PeopleProfile: "This group is giving interesting suggestions. Please track and verify if we can integrate in the next release!"

Organizing the feedback

I star as favorites interesting posts, things that I want to remember, ideas to keep for later.
I retweet great suggestions from users and tag these messages as #PBFacts - there are so many, that we created a #PBFacts section on the top of the site, for users to browse hints.
Since #PBFacts is becoming a real tool, we decided to make it feature-specific; from now on, I will use specific tags as #PBGroups, #PBStacks etc, depending on the hint's content. And I can't wait for the users to start adding and #tagging hints too.

Branding and managing the community

PeopleBrowsr is the best tool for managing the PB community, tracking the brand and related keywords.
I use the stack's footer sorting tools to sort posts and users by: posted links, number of followers and more.
This way I see when the Peoplebrowsr link is posted on Twitter or FriendFeed and I find links to blog posts and PB reviews.
Using PeopleBrowsr is fast, simple and engaging and it's a great way to be in touch with a lot of people in a personal way.

Building the product
I'm delighted that we are building PeopleBrowsr using PeopleBrowsr and that we are doing it for the community with the communty.
This 'Social Developing' experience is unique and just amazing.