PeopleBrowsr’s Jodee Rich was recently a panelist at the highly anticipated #OzPolitics conference at Old Parliament House in Canberra.
Jodee (@wingdude) was among a panel of social media gurus and politicians, addressing the growth of online social networking and its impact on federal elections and the broader political Australian landscape in general.
FirstDogOnMoon and Media 140 #OzPolitics Conference.
Well loved cartoonist FirstDogOnMoon (@firstdogonmoon) agreed to live cartoon the event, adding some character and colour to the day.
The panels were moderated by Julie Posetti and ABC personalities such as The Chaser's Julian Morrow (@moreoj).
MP Rob Oakeshott, who's in the running to be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives, took part in a interview and Q&A at the media140 event, staged in partnership with the ABC.
The event was brought together by media140 Australia's editorial director, #OzPolitics convenor Julie Posetti.
Julie said the conference was the first opportunity to review the impact of social media and the real-time web on the 2010 Federal Election and consider its role in the new Australian political 'paradigm'.During Jodee’s speech, #OzPolitics audience members tweeted about his presentation:
“RT @paulwallbank: Jodee Rich correctly points out if the coalition had got social media right they would have won the election #media140” -- Noel Kelly, East Aus.
Other tweets included,
“559 RT @kcarruthers: must agree with @wingdude all parties did bad job engaging with public during election #ozpolitics #media140” -- Michael de Percy, Canberra, ACT.“@GrogsGamut maybe. But we're a little insular thus far. Maybe @wingdude can shake them up? #media140” -- Stephen Collins, Tuggeranong NSW.
Speakers included: US Ambassador Jeffrey Bleich, Labor Senator Kate Lundy (@katelundy), Shadow Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull (@turnbullmalcolm) and Deputy Greens leader Christine Milne (@senatormilne).