by Andrew Grill, CEO, PeopleBrowsr UK
Last Thursday PeopleBrowsr held a special preview of Kred in London ahead of its official launch later this week. It was literally ‘standing room only’ in the hall where people gathered to hear PeopleBrowsr CEO Jodee Rich (@wingdude) explain the thinking behind Kred.
We managed to assemble one of the toughest crowds Jodee has faced to date. The audience, which was comprised of roughly 30% from agencies, 30% from brands and the balance from key marketing influencers, led us through an incredibly insightful Q&A session that really demonstrated the calibre of the group.
Many of these influencers admitted they were skeptical of the methodology behind the existing online influence measurement tools, so their questions were not only well thought out, but came with a tone that was “So you really think you can nail influence measurement,do you...?”
We were also fortunate to have some of the UK’s most prolific live tweeters in @documentally, @loudmouthman and @lesanto using the #kred hashtag in real time. As Jodee explained the thinking behind Kred, their real time reflections started appearing in my timeline.
Matt Morrison (@mediaczar) from Starcom MediaVest, someone who really gets the power of data from social networks, gave us high praise:
Fascinating and deeply sound presentation from @wingdude at @peoplebrowsr
prelaunch event for #Kred. Thx @AndrewGrillJodee went into the detail of the thought behind Kred, leading to @Raxlakhani tweeting:
@wingdude just blew my mind #pbuk
Adam Tinworth (@adders) added:
Seconded. It looks potentially more interesting than others of its ilk.
@Laura_netts was impressed by the deep amount of research and thought that had been put into the product:
agreed! #kred is demonstrating far more understanding. This is so well-researched,
massively impressed.One person watching the #kred stream at the same time as the Facebook #f8 conference remarked
Why all the hoohaa of #f8 is happening you're missing something more interesting - #kred
- @theintrapreneurIndeed, discussions have confirmed that even Robert Scoble (@Scobleizer) was watching the #kred discussion and wants to know more.
Nik Butler (@loudmouthman) asked some very important questions around privacy:
#pbuk #kred so will our kred profile and score be public ; will we be able to hide it?
PeopleBrowsr takes privacy seriously. As a direct result of Nik’s question, we will be implementing a multi-level privacy framework which will allow for complete openness or privacy with graduated steps in between.
Some of the other intelligent questions from the group covered our 1,000 day archive of 55 Billion tweets being used to calculate Kred scores, the availability of a Kred API, the commercial terms for access to the Datamine, and what other networks (online and offline) would be added to Kred over time. Jodee also took questions from the floor about bots, gaming the system, the deep history of the PeopleBrowsr archive.
The most often asked and tweeted question, however: “When can I have access to Kred?”
Following the interactive session, everyone retired to the lobby where a very lively discussion about Kred, influence and social media in general was held with the last guests leaving tjust before 11pm – always a good sign that there was real substance to discuss. We were thrilled to have such strong representation from companies like Deloitte, HSBC, Intercontinental Hotels Group, Econsultancy and Reed Business Information, as well as leading agencies MediaCom, Razorfish, LBi, Diffusion PR, VCCP, G2 and Carat.
I will let Gabrielle Laine-Peters (@GabrielleNYC) have the last word (tweet) on the subject – simply:
#Kred - the only fully transparent influencer score dynamic & live #pbuk