PeopleBrowsr is today pleased to announce it has resolved its dispute with Twitter, and that it can have continued Firehose access through the end of the year, after which it will transition to data access from an authorized Twitter Data Reseller.
Almost 2000 Days of Twitter Firehose Data
PeopleBrowsr has been receiving, analyzing and indexing the full Twitter firehose since 2008 becoming the world’s largest Social Media intelligence platform. PeopleBrowsr can have continued Firehose access through the end of the year, after which it will transition to data access from an authorized Twitter Data Reseller.
500M+ Social Profiles
PeopleBrowsr has recently bought Swaylo to combine Facebook and Twitter data and expand Social Intelligence and Kred scoring to 500M+ Social Profiles.
This allows us to provide Brands with the best Social Analytics and individuals with transparent influence scoring and great Brand Rewards
Kred for Brands, Kred for Facebook, Kred Rewards
At PeopleBrowsr we are now 100% focused on Kred Influence and our Social Intelligence Platform which consists of
and a number of exciting innovations that use the power of multiple networks to identify and reward key influencers.
Media enquiries: Priscilla Scala, VP Marketing
+1 415-539-7625 priscilla [at] kred [dot] com