This Wednesday we’re hosting a thought leader panel on the Collective Influence featuring...
Jeffrey W. Hayzlett, Best-Selling Author, Change Agent and former CMO, Kodak
Porter Gale, Vice President of Marketing, Virgin America
Elisa Steele, Chief Marketing Officer, Yahoo
Jodee Rich, CEO, PeopleBrowsr
Moderator: Irina Slutsky, West Coast Correspondent for AdAge
We’re excitedly preparing to host 200+ attendees for this event. If you haven’t yet registered, please do so by Wednesday afternoon
The topic will center on Collective Influence, calculating influence scores, social intelligence ROI, and industry best practices.
We'll be accepting questions for our panelists from the Twitterversewith the hashtag #collectiveinfluence or #cltinf.At the end of the discussion, you’ll have the opportunity for Q&A and we’ll be encouraging live tweeting and blogging throughout. Feel free to tweet us @PeopleBrowsr #CollectiveInfluence or #cltinf with questions prior to the event and during the evening.
The discussion will begin promptly at 6pm and will be approximately 1 hour in duration.
We'll also have a delicious Sausage Sizzle BBQ on our back deck with cool refreshments from cold beer to imported wine...Looking forward to hearing this great panel of leaders and we hope that you’ll be able to join us on Twitter and in SoMa... and don't forget to checkin when you arrive!
Also, check out the stream to post a question or search for conversations on the collective intelligence.