• With over 7.2 million viewers on Sunday watching Miss USA, we were curious to see the conversations on social streams… Especially since Miss California, Alyssa Campanella, newly crowned Miss USA loves to tweet!

    The pageant had a 57% increase in TV ratings from last year and was the highest rated Miss USA  broadcast in 6 years. Winning audiences across America, it was also the #1 Network program of the evening. The use of social media likely helped the increase in numbers, as viewers were invited to vote online for contestants prior to the show.

    We extracted Twitter mentions for Miss USA for insights into volume, reach, influencers (top champions and communities), and sentiment.

    There were over 60,000 mentions of Miss USA on Twitter the day after the pageant (Monday, June 20th) with more than 6,000 Tweets during Sunday’s show.

    In the week leading up to the event, there were over 10,000 mentions on Twitter and over 31,000 ReTweets.

    Who’s Tweeting About Miss USA?

    To find top communities (based on User Bio Profiles) tweeting about Miss USA, we pulled the most frequently mentioned words for a word cloud.  Popular words found in bios of those tweeting include News, Editor, Pageant, Blog, Friends, Media...

    We also created a  Miss USA Brand Scorecard for Top Champions and Communities contributing to the Miss USA conversation:

    Top Positive Influencers include...


    It's also interesting to note there are more Males than Females who are followers of Miss USA!

    Where are fans located?

    Top 10 Tweets For Miss USA came from the following locations:

    Las Vegas
    Los Angeles
    New York
    San Francisco
    San Diego

    Here’s a Breakdown of Mentions in the US:


    In looking at sentiment surrounding Miss USA, most posts were positive or neutral, with only 1% of tweets categorized as Negative.  Sentiment surrounding the newly crowned Alyssa Campanella was overwhelmingly neutral, with 11% Positive sentiment over the last month.

    We were also interested in the top words in posts leading up to Sunday, which included, Contestants, NBC, Vote, Watch, Beauty, Competition...

    Here are some of our favorite tweets from the event!

    To see the real-time stream, visit http://research.ly/miss%20usa

    Also, check out the Viral Analytics on Miss USA Mentions across Social Streams!


    A big Congrats from @PeopleBrowsr to Ayssa, 2011’s The Real Miss USA!



  • Jen Charlton

    About Jen Charlton