• At PeopleBrowsr, one of the most interesting and challenging problems we face is fully communicating the value of ReSearch.ly, and we’re frequently asking ourselves: How can someone know what they’ve been missing if they never knew it was there to miss? Ten years ago, for example, how many of us knew that Google PageRank would drastically change the way we look for information, or that Wikipedia would gain credibility as the ‘new’ encyclopedia for collaborative fact-and-information crowd sourcing? Communicating the usability and usefulness of new technologies and new ideas is a fascinating problem to tackle, and we understand that being an educator is also part of being an innovator in a market that’s still evolving and establishing itself.

    We’re currently in the midst of a social media revolution and though there are thousands of conversations taking place on the social web every second, many of us are still struggling to find meaning, listen through signal-to-noise for engagement, identify influencers, and create connections within communities forming in real-time. At PeopleBrowsr, we’ve created an algorithm to connect those conversations based on interest and key word search.

    We believe in the power of the collective memory and the collective consciousness, and we’re building advanced conversation technologies to assemble the collective intelligence through storing, retrieving and indexing every public human conversation. Now at this pivotal era of digital preservation in social media, we’re releasing 1,000 days of Twitter data - free of charge - for deep historical reporting and social search.

    ReSearch.ly for Consumers

    For consumers, ReSearch.ly can create communities on Twitter around keywords, events or trends to find relevant information for real-time reviews, and create connections with other like-minded users who share interests. Just as Google has indexed the web, ReSearch.ly has indexed Twitter for social search and maps social connections, close to how LinkedIn connects users through degrees of separation.

    The idea of ReSearch.ly as an ‘authentic Yelp’ came to us during a brainstorming session while we were discussing different ways we personally use ReSearch.ly. Let’s say you’re logged onto Twitter during your lunchbreak and looking for a good place to grab food. Perhaps you’ve heard about the restaurant around the corner, and so you decide to search for reviews on the web. At this point, most of us will go to Yelp or similar review sites, some of us will search in Google, while others might search Facebook or the Twitter search box to see what our friends are saying. With ReSearch.ly, searching that restaurant will pull social conversations (with context) surrounding your search term, and map the connections between you and users tweeting about the restaurant. You’ll also see sentiment graphs (positive or negative) and spikes in mentions (it could be that people tweet more on Wednesdays, due to a popular promotion or menu). ReSearch.ly then becomes a valuable resource to find real-time reviews from trustworthy sources (through degrees of separation in connections) and to find deals/news surrounding that key word search.

    ReSearch.ly for Brand Marketers

    For brand marketers and social media experts, ReSearch.ly’s access to 1,000 days of Twitter data allows extensive capabilities to filter by keyword, date/time, location and profile information to find highly targeted communities with demographic, psychographic, geo-localized, and time-targeted criteria. With ReSearch.ly, marketers can graph sentiment, key words, and map user connections for specific brand analysis. ReSearch.ly launched last month, to the acclaim of many experts and marketers, and provided access to 30 days of data for searching Twitter’s social hub and finding relevant communities in real-time. With ReSearch.ly’s $99 plan, customers receive:

    - Unlimited access to 1,000 days of reliable data
    - Trending analysis across two years for YTD reporting
    - ReTweet Acceleration and real-time Viral Analytics
    - Tracking abilities for sentiment to analyze ROI on long-term campaigns
    - Leveraging power for reoccurring seasonal changes and trends
    - Abilities to create custom communities, and add new locations
    - Access to download Connectedness reports and create customized social media databases

    At its core, ReSearch.ly finds communities of people connected by shared interests/topics, and helps marketers to listen to what’s being said about brands and competitors. ReTweet analytics identify influencers and emerging trends to create new communities on the fly. With Degrees of Separation, social media managers have the ability to find connection paths to anyone linked on Twitter by the social or interest graph. For a live example of a keyword search, check out a screencast we made here.

    With 1,000 Days of Data, you have the ability see in depth year to year changes:

    Data mining and digital preservation on the real-time social web is shaping how we navigate information maps. PeopleBrowsr identifies trends, insights, and creates instant communities in real-time on the social web through the stroke of a keyword search. As the future of Web 2.0 and real-time social media continues to evolve, we’ll be curating data for intelligence gathering, historical research, predictive modeling, and social understanding.

    There are a 1,000 ways to celebrate 1,000 days of Twitter data available to search free of charge, and we hope you will join in the social media revolution by sharing with us how you’ve used ReSearch.ly. We’re always open to hearing your comments and suggestions, and you can reach out to us 24/7 on Twitter @PeopleBrowsr.

    We’d love to publish the first 1,000 comments of ReSearch.ly reviews and encourage you to dive into social search, discover our data mine, lead a community in conversation and connect with us today!

  • Jen Charlton

    About Jen Charlton